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You've read all about what we do for our super-mothers.
Now, what can you do?
Your generous donation will go a long, long way.
Money can’t do a lot of things. But it can improve the quality of life and transform lonely, overburdened, struggling mothers into confident, supported women. Whether it’s helping a family make Yom Tov, sending a child to camp, or paying for housekeeping help. Whether it’s making a simcha, paying for babysitting, or just giving a mother a night off.
Your donation gives hardworking, selfless mothers a chance to breathe. You give them hope and strength for another day.
Ready to mother a mother?
Project Menucha is supported and endorsed by prominent Rabbanim and organizations,
such as Hatzalah of Boro Park, Zichron Shlomo and Tammy’s Project.
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